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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Ready Set Go

Hey everyone, tomorrow's the start of our fasting month. Gonna be quite hard for those facing all the yummy food during Family Day. Muahaha. Anyway, we know that some of you have not gotten the fasting booklet yet (more will be printed this week) so we're putting the first day's verse and prayer point up.

Day 1, Friday, 1st May

Philippians 4:6-7
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs, and don't forget to thank Him for His answers. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus.

As I read this verse, I realize that sometimes, we actually like worrying. We worry about what we're going to have for dinner, what we're going to do the next day, how we're going to stretch that 10 bucks we have for the rest of the week. And we get so frazzled and stressed out because of this. The Bible tells us not to worry about anything, to bring everything to God and reminds us to thank Him for His answers. It doesn't say thank Him when He answers you. But to just thank Him for His answers (remember that yes, no and wait are all answers). And when we do this, the stressed out 'I can't handle it anymore' feeling caused be all the worrying, is replaced with God's peace. Peace in the midst of trouble that keeps us from pulling out hair out. It is a peace that keeps us at rest in Christ Jesus as we trust that He is in control of our lives and everything that happens around us. So as we start the first day of fasting, let's bring our needs to the Lord, and trust Him that he knows what is best for us.

Pray for: Yourself

- Take a moment to be quiet and prepare yourself for a month of fasting and praying.
- Ask God to search your heart, and see if there are any hindrances that might stop you from praying effectively
- Thank God for what He has done for you, for the blessings upon your life.
- Take your needs to the Lord. Be specific in your prayers, and trust that the Lord knows what is best for you.


11:46 AM